


Our restaurant is located at Rathausstraße 75 in the Rohrbach district of Heidelberg, within walking distance of the Ortenauer Straße and Rohrbach Markt tram stops. There is a cheap parking lot that is rarely used in the evenings, a three-minute walk away at the thorax clinic of the university hospital. Parking is also available at the cemetery in Bierhelderweg or Im Beind.

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Our restaurant is located at Rathausstraße 75 in the Rohrbach district of Heidelberg, within walking distance of the Ortenauer Straße and Rohrbach Markt tram stops. There is a cheap parking lot that is rarely used in the evenings, a three-minute walk away at the thorax clinic of the university hospital. Parking is also available at the cemetery in Bierhelderweg or Im Beind.
Rathausstraße 75
69126 Heidelberg, Germany